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Isometric Ellipse Drawing Template

Paul Brothers

Key Features:

Isometric Ellipse Symbols: The template stencil is equipped with isometric ellipse symbols and shapes, ranging from 4mm to 35mm. 

Professional-Grade Design: Each ellipse symbol is crafted to perfection, ensuring precise and consistent results in your drawings.

Ideal Dimensions: With a size of 280 x 140mm and a thickness of 1.2mm, this stencil offers the perfect balance between convenience and functionality.


  • Model Number: 1834
  • Colour: Orange
  • Material: Plastic
  • Size: 280 x 140 mm
  • Thickness: 1.2 mm
  • Size of Ellipses: Ranging from 4mm to 35mm

Whether you're working on architectural blueprints, technical drawings, or artistic creations, the Isomars Isometric Ellipse Drawing Template is your key to achieving unmatched precision and consistency in your work. Don't settle for anything less than perfection – trust Isomars for all your drafting needs.

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